Part 1: Origins and Archetypes - S.D.
One of the first things we record about you is your Origin and your Archetype. Along with (eventually) your name, but we always ask about Origin and Archetype first.
What's an Origin?
- Are you powered by the mystical focus of a long-lost/long-dead civilization?
- Did a genie's wish go too far, and now you throw ice from your hands?
- Did someone use a summoning circle to pull you here from your plane or dimension of existence?
- Are you some kind of freakin' wizard, or something?
"You receive your powers from a magical source. These abilities might come from a mystical artifact bestowed upon you, the mastery of numerous magical spells, or pacts made with powerful dimensional entities."
- Are you a product of MAD BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE?! (Laugh with me! MWA-HA-HA-HA!)
- Was that Crey Cola you drank actually full of Super-Stretchy-Soldier Serum?
- Did that burst of energy from your yogurt maker tinker with your DNA?
- Has all that computer monitor radiation altered your mind?
"You received your powers either through purposeful scientific inquiry or some accident gone awry. You have since learned to harness your new-found abilities, becoming a powerful force in the world."
- Is your belt full of caltrops, gas grenades, grappling hooks, and shark repllant?
- Did you
stealfind an alien armor but now can't get it off?
- Are those artificial arms, legs, and energy source strapped to your back working out well for you?
- Are you some kind of robot and want to use your powers for
"You derive your powers from technological devices, from suits of high-tech body armor to powerful energy weapons. Few have been able to duplicate the amazing technology which lies behind your gadgets. You need not be a brilliant inventor; you may have acquired these items from another source."
- Was puberty difficult for you due to your mind setting things on fire?
- Are you the next step in your race's evolution (for better or for worse)?
- Do you posess the
treasonousMachine Empathy ability?
- Maybe you have wings or a tail or something?
"You were born with abilities which set you apart from the rest of humankind. Your powers manifested at birth, puberty, or possibly adulthood. Mutants are often viewed with awe and fear by those who don't understand them."
- Are you the best at what you do?
Are your parents deadHave you trained yourself to the peak of your ability?
- Are you an alien who's normal abilities may also include eye lasers and flight?
- Can you just kick high?
"You aren't 'super' at all; your amazing talents come from intense training and innate abilities. You might have been driven to physical excellence by some all-encompassing desire for perfection or revenge, or perhaps you are not human at all, and possess powers natural to your race."
These sound like pretty broad groupings. What if I'm a radioactive brain in a robot body, or my gun shoots magic bullets?
Wait, what impact does Origin actually HAVE on me?
I heard there was talk of a SIXTH Origin, something above the other five?
But what's all this talk about 'Incarnates'--
So what's an Archetype, then?
Once again, I've compiled a handy checklist to help determine what Archetype is best suited for you!
- Do you like hitting things?
- No, do you REALLY like hitting things?
- Do you like getting in people's faces and hitting them with your fists/feet/a variety of melee weapons?
- Do you think guns, rocks, lasers and/or ninja throwing stars are 'too bulky' for you?
You might be a
Possibly the most basic melee class, you run up to people and hit them! Over and over and over and over and over again, until they (or you) are on the floor. A Scrapper's primary Powerset are melee-oriented, while their secondary powerset is based around keeping them alive. The unique ability for Scrappers is Critical Hit, a chance to sometimes do double damage with their attacks.
- Do you like hitting things?
- As above, but with more a focus of laughing at enemies as they (try to) hit you?
- Does having the most hit points of anyone appeal to you?
- Do you like throwing entire groups of people into a rage, making them chase you as you give them the middle finger?
You might be a
The inverse of the Scrapper, the Tanker trades overall damage-dealing ability in exchange for increased survivability. Tanker Powersets are the reverse of the Scrapper, meaning they'll get their survivability powers at a faster rate (and with better numbers overall than their punchy counterparts). Their unique ability is Gauntlet, which causes their enemy-affecting abilities to taunt everyone around their target, who then (try to) smack the tanker around and ignore everyone else. Tankers also recently received another ability, Bruising, which causes the first attack in their melee powerset to do a damage resistance debuff on their target (making them take more damage) for a very short amount of time.
- Do you like hitting things?
- Do you get angry when you hit things?
- Do you get angry when things (try to) hit you?
- Are we not going to like it when you're angry?
You might be a
Sort of a cross between a Scrapper and Tanker, the Brute's basic stats lie somewhere in-between the two - More hit points and slightly less damage than a scrapper, but with Tanker numbers for their defensive powerset. What makes them stand out is their unique Ability, Fury, which is a scaling damage bonus that increases every time they make an attack or ARE attacked, and decreases when they aren't doing either. Needless to say,
- Do you like hitting things?
- Do you like descending on a single target
from the rafters LIKE A BATwith a powerful blow that will scare the pants off of everyone around them?
- Do you like hiding in plain sight?
- Do you like punching people in the gut or ass?
You might be a
The glass cannon of the melee sets, Stalkers are somewhat similar to Scrappers, but with less hit points. More importantly, they have two powers unique to their Archetype before we even talk about their unique ability. The first is Hide, a stealth power that allows the Stalker to position themselves without enemies noticing them, and allows the Stalker's first attack to be a guaranteed critical hit for double damage. The second power is Assassin's Strike, a powerful attack with a long charge-up animation that not only does extra damage if launched while in Hide.
On top of that, their unique ability is Assassination, which does several things after a recent buff:
* It increases their critical hit chance the larger their team is;
* Assassin Strikes made while in Hide have a chance to cause enemies around them to cower in terror due to one of their friends getting a gaping hole in their chest/head/body part out of nowhere.
* Every attack has a chance to stack Assassin's Focus on the Stalker, which is a 33% chance for Assassin Strike to do a regular crit from outside of Hide.
TL;DR - Stalkers are scary single-target crit machines.
- Do you like hitting things from a distance?
- Do you like hitting things in melee range when enemies inevitably run up to you after you've hit them from a distance?
Look no further, you're probably a
The original, prototypical glass cannon. All of your powers are geared towards doing damage, whether it be from range in your primary Powerset, or in melee from your secondary Powerset. Unlike the previous four Archetypes, you start out with no defense and no ability to resist Sleep, Stun, and Hold powers. But who cares! BURN THE WORLD.
The blaster unique ability is Defiance, which causes a short-lived, stacking damage bonus for every attack they make (similar to Brutes, but not as powerful). More importantly, it allows the blaster to still use their first powers while stunned, put to sleep, or held.
- Do you like hitting things from a distance?
- Do you ALSO like turning your teammates into tiny gods?
- Alternatively, do you like turning your enemies into the equivalent of weak kittens to be crushed under your heel?
You might be a
Considered by many to be a support archetype, Defender powersets are geared towards making your teammates AWESOME and/or making your enemies COMPLETELY SUCK. Whether it's putting your teammates in a hamster-bubble of a force field or forcing your opponents to struggle through a patch of tar, Defenders can help turn the tide of battle or turn a wrecking ball of a team into a rolling wave of death.
Their unique ability is Vigilance, which decreases the power cost of the Defender's powers as their teammates health goes down. This was almost universally considered a terrible ability, so Vigilance also gives a damage bonus to the Defender based on how FEW teammates they have.
... it made sense at the time.
- Do you like hitting things from a distance?
- Do you cripple things not only by making them suck (and your team great), but also by hitting them harder when they get weaker?
- Are you kind of annoyed when people ask for heals but don't want to completely disappoint them?
You might be a
A 'sort of' opposite to Defenders, Corruptors are more slightly focused on doing damage than overall buffs/debuffs. Their unique ability is Scourge, which is an increasing chance of landing critical hits as their enemy's health gets lower.
- Do you like playing Freeze Tag?
- Can you lull entire groups to sleep on a whim, or cause them to wander around in a daze?
- Are you not as concerned about doing direct damage until you get a helper monkey (or monkeys)?
- Additionally, do you like having powers that make your helper monkey(s) AWESOME?
You might be a
Controllers combine a Defender's ability to buff and debuff targets with the ability to lock down enemies in order for them to receive their brutal, brutal beatings. Controllers get a variety of 'mez' abilities that can immobilize targets, cause them to go to sleep or attack their friends, or just straight-up cause them to not move at all. Additionally, one of the powers a Controller eventually get is a combat pet summon, which follows them around and can dramatically increase their damage out, help out by throwing out additional mez abilities into combat, or anything in between.
The Controller unique ability is Containment, which allows them to do double damage against any target that is already mezzed. It also gives their mez ability a chance to 'overpower' their target, making the status effect have a stronger effect.
- Does being a Controller mostly appeal to you?
- But you actually want to do damage starting out, and throughout the entirety of your career?
You might be a
Much like Controllers, Dominators lock down their targets with a variety of holds, sleeps, stuns, and and eventually their own combat pet(s). Unlike Controllers, their secondary powerset is full of direct damage, in of both the melee and ranged variety.
Their unique ability is Domination, a power that increases both the power and duration of their mez abilities. It also completely refills their endurance bar and helps protect against mez attacks by enemies while it's active.
- Do you like being in the middle of a crowd?
- And then ordering that crowd to beat the crap out of the guy you're pointing at?
- And then probably calling for more people when part of your crowd is filled with bullets?
You might be a
Whether it's demons from the underworld, mass-produced robots from a factory, or even just that gang down the street you gave a sack of money to, you have your own posse of goons to use as your iron fist of damage and/or meat shield. Masterminds are the 'pet' Archetype, a group of up to 6 minions you can (mostly) directly control and support (unlike Controller and Dominator pets, who just follow and charge forward as appropriate).
The Mastermind unique ability is Supremacy, which is an increase to your minions' damage and accuracy so long as they're close by to you.
What other Archetypes are there? I think I saw a tentacle alien flying around, and a bunch of guys with Doctor Octopus arms running around in combat armor...
But right now I need to polish my head and find some gloves that actually let me hold a pencil with this clipboard, so until next time, valiant hero/dastardly villain! And welcome to/stay the hell out of Paragon City!